Niki Humphrey–Molinar, is a retired U.S. Air Force veteran and is a native of Columbus,
Ohio. Niki began her dance journey at the age of five, under the instruction and direction of
Stephanie Bland; founder and artistic director of Two Left Feet Dance Studio in Columbus, Ohio.
Niki was trained in the dance genres of Tap, Ballet, Jazz, Modern (Dunham Technique), and
African Dance. Although Niki was trained extensively in various genres of dance, by the age of
eight, she quickly knew that tap would be her first love.
Throughout her dance journey, Niki has trained and studied under a multitude of industry
professionals and masters. Tap Icons such as Dianne Walker, Savion Glover, Ayodele Casel,
Robert Reed, Derrick Grant, and Acia Gray, have greatly assisted in Niki attaining her skill level,
musicality, and performance quality where Tap dancing is concerned. However, as a true
professional should, Niki continues to seek and engage in opportunities to grow as a diverse
dancer, instructor, and choreographer.
Be it that Niki was raised in the dance studio alongside African & Latin drummers, Jazz,
Ballet, and Modern dancers, her Tap technique was developed in true rhythmic fashion. Tap
dancing with drummers was the norm in her studio and her style truly exhibits this. Niki
incorporates many of these genres into her style. Niki has taught tap throughout the United States
and is an award-winning choreographer. Although the U.S. Air Force took her all over the world,
she always found a way to teach and bring forth her passion for tap wherever she landed. Now
that she has officially retired from the Air Force, she can now truly engage in her love for Tap
dancing on a full-time basis, in the state of Florida, where she has planted her roots.
In addition to being a USAF Veteran and accomplished choreographer, Niki Humphrey–
Molinar is also an accomplished educator, writer, and scholar; possessing an M.S. in Forensic
Psychology, B.S. in Forensic Psychology, Associates in Business Management, and Collegiate
Level Instructor Certifications in Leadership & Management.
Niki certainly brings forth a hard-hitting, high energy, street style of tap. Therefore, do not
expect an average tap class. She loves to use an entire floor while dancing and challenge your
ability to connect with the rhythms, the music, and your dance spirit. Be ready to have an amazing,
yet challenging time in the studio with Niki. She is sure to have your feet moving and your heart